Monday, February 28, 2011

When the hair Zi is used small of the voice speak his/her own life experience

Deliver Zi:The east soldier takes me to lift a leather suitcase and a packet to enter passenger transportation station, after leading Anne to check, in a corner, he made me drill into a leather suitcase.Make me prohibit to move, prohibit to produce a sound.The saying someone will bring in the car inside to the leather suitcase, the car started, east the soldier call me for the meeting, I open a box and open wrapping of others(traveller) and return change, and computer and camera are those things that can sell.Pack into a packet, arrived a station, he would pick me up.
Sheep city evening newspaper:You why want a person to come out, Be not afraid of two uncles to worry?
Deliver Zi:I usually didn,t go home before, only time wasn,t long, two uncles couldn,t ask.
It is a story of"stray lamb" again.When the hair Zi is used small of the voice speak his/her own life experience, tears big big the ground fall in.The father early dies, the mother remarry, have no population, didn,t opportunity to enter higher school and indulge a net cafe, mistake to hand over bad company ……he almost has various"main factor"s of taking a wrong step the youth.The his words contains true several centses, the reporter cans not is also accurate to judge, but looking at small and weak of he is Tiffany & Co helpless to weep over in the crowd, unavoidably make public sour.How to help the kid of these false steps?This is our each adult to deliberate of heavy set question.

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