Sunday, February 13, 2011

Seaport righteousness hotel dragon(one star)
(Two)due to constructing a corpus reconstruction changing the management has already closed up shop etc

4.five fingers mountain the nations spend a holiday Zhai(SAMSUNG)
5.prosperous hotel in Hainan(two stars)
6.the seaport gold continent guest house(two stars)
7.ten thousand rather lotus hotel(two stars)
8.seaport righteousness hotel dragon(one star)
(Two)due to constructing a corpus reconstruction changing the management has already closed up shop etc. reason and cancel star class of hotel:
1.three second Kai Lais spend a holiday a hotel(report national star review committee, suggest that canceling is five-star)
2.Hainan hope maritime country border hotel(four stars)
3.three second view benefit Lais spend a holiday a hotel(four stars) view gulf hotel in Hainan(SAMSUNG)
5.the Qiong sea guest house in Ta-ching(SAMSUNG)
6.three second country villa hotels in the Hao door(SAMSUNG)

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