Monday, February 28, 2011

Testing a front has already done to try book

Text|the diagram sheep city evening newspaper reporter, Huang Wei Jun, (source:Sheep city evening newspaper)
(Responsibility editor:Hou extraordinary talent)
"More show area to test to leak generally, the student of clear teacher assurance class, testing a front has already done to try book, unjust to us!"Recently, study in and more show the beginning of the area some high school three a student small grass(use alias) to sheep city evening newspaper the reporter report and anticipate and call to know ° from classmate, clear teacher in Guangzhou City educates medium test the mathematics teaching of assurance class and try book unexpectedly with more show all tests of area and"look exactly alike".Later on, the teacher of small grass confirms Tiffany & Co a hearsay in the class, call that mathematics tries 5 big and some education organization of book try book"similar".However, clear teacher in Guangzhou City called while educating service limited company to respond to a reporter yesterday and tried book similar"not surprising"s.

When the hair Zi is used small of the voice speak his/her own life experience

Deliver Zi:The east soldier takes me to lift a leather suitcase and a packet to enter passenger transportation station, after leading Anne to check, in a corner, he made me drill into a leather suitcase.Make me prohibit to move, prohibit to produce a sound.The saying someone will bring in the car inside to the leather suitcase, the car started, east the soldier call me for the meeting, I open a box and open wrapping of others(traveller) and return change, and computer and camera are those things that can sell.Pack into a packet, arrived a station, he would pick me up.
Sheep city evening newspaper:You why want a person to come out, Be not afraid of two uncles to worry?
Deliver Zi:I usually didn,t go home before, only time wasn,t long, two uncles couldn,t ask.
It is a story of"stray lamb" again.When the hair Zi is used small of the voice speak his/her own life experience, tears big big the ground fall in.The father early dies, the mother remarry, have no population, didn,t opportunity to enter higher school and indulge a net cafe, mistake to hand over bad company ……he almost has various"main factor"s of taking a wrong step the youth.The his words contains true several centses, the reporter cans not is also accurate to judge, but looking at small and weak of he is Tiffany & Co helpless to weep over in the crowd, unavoidably make public sour.How to help the kid of these false steps?This is our each adult to deliberate of heavy set question.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The autonomous region formally announced 《medium total interborough people government in interborough committee Tibet

Enlargement support he also emphasizes that the public finance section wants to carry out each public finance policy that nation and autonomous region support cultural development completely, , gradually the extension supports cultural business, cultural industry development particularly item funds scale.Want to enlarge government devotion further, provide more better and public cultural service.
At the same time, the tax, business, human resource and society guarantee to etc. section to want to draw up a related kit policy of a set quickly measure and greatly develop great prosperity to provide to emolliently prop up and guarantee for culture.
The reporter learns of ° from general assembly, the autonomous region formally announced 《medium total interborough people government in interborough committee Tibet, Tibet concerning push culture greatly develop big prosperous decision 》 recently, the total target for putting forward BE, till 2015, Tibet wants to build up sound area, ground and county, country and village five class public cultural service system, broadcasting television population comprehensive the overlay rate attain above 95%, person all the book newspapers and magazines own quantity to attain national average level, the public cultural service ability ability shows a Zhao exaltation, and cultural industry works hard for to attain above 3% in the whole area proportion within total output value.Till 2020, the whole area in Tibet public cultural service ability approaches national average level, cultural industry becomes support industry in Tibet.

000 dollars

According to the introduction, 2011, Tibet plans arrangement cultural business development funds 188,340,000 dollars, compares to increase 85,240,000 dollars last year and increases 83%;Arrange funds 60,000,000 dollars, support revolution history is loosing to save and point the cultural object maintain a protection and increased 10,000,000 dollars and increased 20% than last year;The arrangement broadcasts the movie television development funds 265,970,000 dollars and increases 94,370,000 dollars and increases 55% and pushes forward to broadcast a television number to turn construction than last year and supported to carry out a village number the movie project, broadcast the television"door door" etc. cultural people-benefit project.
Interborough chairman of the government in Tibet white Ma the red wood request, developing to reform a section has to enlarge a policy to support strength further and arrange in the important item, particularly item the funds use etc. give tilt to one side and give point support to the great cultural industry item.

Seaport guest house(four stars)

1.seaport guest house(four stars)
2.Hainan prosperous bright moon day off hotel(four stars)
3.Lang in Hainan sky found a nation to spend a holiday a hotel(four stars)
4.three second rich China hotels(SAMSUNG)
5.the imported spirits store in three second Hong fangs(SAMSUNG)
6.the text Chang hotel in the longitude and latitude garden(SAMSUNG)
7.Qiong sea officer hot springs in the spring valley spend a holiday village(SAMSUNG)
8.prosperous sunlight hotel in Green island(SAMSUNG)
9.three second section treasure hotel(two stars)
10.three second fly guest house dragon(two stars)
11.three second coco big wave sea view hotel(one star)
(Responsibility editor:Zhao Ting)
New China net pulled Sa to give or get an electric shock(reporter virtuous Ji side Ba Ci Ren) autonomous region in Tibet to be pulling Sa to convene the whole area cultural development general assembly recently on January 21, aim at for pushed culture in Tibet to greatly develop great prosperity to carry on to mobilize deployment completely.

Three second China believe a sea view hotel(SAMSUNG)

7.sea eagle in Hainan spend a holiday village(SAMSUNG)
8.Hong city hotel in Hainan(two stars)
9.Qiong sea sumptuous China hotel(two stars)
(Three)without cause the nonappearance year rechecks and cancels the hotel of star class: begonia hotel in Hainan(SAMSUNG)
2.three second China Hong hotel(SAMSUNG)
3.three second China believe a sea view hotel(SAMSUNG)
4.three second sea China hotel(two stars)
5.three second Jia Hui sea view guest house(one star)
6.iron mine in Hainan face guest house(one star)
Two, give the deadline whole star class for changing hotel:(is 11)
Because the facilities equipments maintains to maintain, management service etc. can not completely attain to correspond a star class standard request and give 6 month deadline whole star class for changing hotels:

Seaport righteousness hotel dragon(one star)
(Two)due to constructing a corpus reconstruction changing the management has already closed up shop etc

4.five fingers mountain the nations spend a holiday Zhai(SAMSUNG)
5.prosperous hotel in Hainan(two stars)
6.the seaport gold continent guest house(two stars)
7.ten thousand rather lotus hotel(two stars)
8.seaport righteousness hotel dragon(one star)
(Two)due to constructing a corpus reconstruction changing the management has already closed up shop etc. reason and cancel star class of hotel:
1.three second Kai Lais spend a holiday a hotel(report national star review committee, suggest that canceling is five-star)
2.Hainan hope maritime country border hotel(four stars)
3.three second view benefit Lais spend a holiday a hotel(four stars) view gulf hotel in Hainan(SAMSUNG)
5.the Qiong sea guest house in Ta-ching(SAMSUNG)
6.three second country villa hotels in the Hao door(SAMSUNG)