Sunday, January 16, 2011

Zhang Shuo

(Responsibility editor:Li Meng Yi)
Medium new agency Peking on December 29 give or get an electric shock(reporter, Zhang Shuo, ) Chinese vice premier Wang Qi Shan in State Department on the afternoon of the 29th at in south china sea meet Saudi Arabia Kingdom trade and industrial big minister the Bu Du pull · inside-gift Sa.
Wang Qi Shan said that the Mainland highly values development and sand especially of economics and trade relationship.He says that two country economy repairs sex with each other it is strong, cooperate a potential greatly.Hoping both parties to continue develops respectively advantage and deepens the practicality cooperation of economic trade, investment and energy resources and infrastructure realms, such as railroad and port...etc. and push two country the strategic amity relates to continuously develop.The Mainland wishes and include sand especially at inside of the gulf cooperate committee national joint effort, as early as possible the completion negotiates from the Mao area.

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