Sunday, January 16, 2011

The expert and adviser comes from Harvard University in the United States

Chairman from brand laboratory in world, Nobel through?The benefit learns a prize the winner receive an Er(Robert Mundell) professor points out in publishing the general assembly of awards, Chinese brand can be accepted by the world to have three key factors:National real strenght, creativity talented person and language advantage.He thinks that Chinese brand wants to head for a world, is Chinese language and writing to head for a world first.Because the language is much more than a kind of expression tool, it and a culture mental state of race, mode of thinking and self-confident heart are closely related, continue history and future blood.
Brand laboratory in the world from 1999 Nobel economics prize winner, "the father of euro" and American Columbia University Luo uncle especially ·receive an Er to serve as a chairman, the headquarters is established to New York, the United States, all the property belongs to strategy to consult the company agent group( in the world, the expert and adviser comes from Harvard University in the United States, Yale University and oxford universities, such as university and Cambridge university...etc..

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