Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chen Zhu is last time willing attend to 《dedicate a blood method 》 to carry out the result that 12 in the last yearses obtain

Win a new net on February 22 and give or get an electric shock according to the health department news in the website, the whole country is gratis to dedicate blood to give award to a general assembly to convene Tiffany & Co today in the Year 2008-2009 is, health department minister Chen Zhu is willing ascend to point out, the whole country is gratis the work dedicating blood got a substantial development, voluntarily gratis dedicate blood to have clinical use the proportion of blood have already risen to from 5% in 1998 above 99% in 2009.
Today, health department, Chinese Red Cross head quarter and always logistic department the health department convene the Year 2008-2009 is in Peking whole country gratis dedicate blood to give award to a general assembly, to 112347 individuals who acquire "is gratis to dedicate blood dedication of prize"(among them:Gold prize 34333 people and silver prize 19580 people and copper prize 58434 people), 80 units and 13 individualses of "is gratis to dedicate blood to promote prize", 9 provinces of "is gratis to dedicate blood forerunner prize in the province(city)" with 240(area), 18 troops units of"is gratis to dedicate advanced troops of blood of prize" and 616 individuals of"the gratis alms builds the blood stem cell dedication prize" give award to.
According to know, the number for giving award to is that the number being gratis to dedicate blood to give award to an activity to get a prize successive whole country is the most of once.
Chen Zhu is last time willing attend to 《dedicate a blood method 》 to carry out the result that 12 in the last yearses obtain.He points out that the work that the whole country is gratis to dedicate blood got a substantial development, voluntarily gratis dedicate blood to have clinical use the proportion of blood have already risen to from 5% in 1998 above 99% in 2009.

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